Monday, May 9, 2011

I've had it

I have gotten headaches regularly for 2 years now. They got better for a little while, but they are back with a vengeance. Yesterday I had one all day...excruciating...2 cups of coffee, Excedrin, and John's shoulder massage later it finally went away. An hour after I went to bed (to bed not to sleep) my left shoulder started throbbing and aching horribly for no known reason. It just felt like pissing me off I guess. Then my upper bu-thigh area just started itching, red bumps and itching, half asleep clawing my bu-thigh flesh to a bloody pulp. Needless to say after 2 hours sleep last night I realized there was something I needed to do. So ...since I was up...I researched "symptoms of needing a detox." Symptoms included unexplained headaches and muscle aches, insomnia, skin conditions.
So i was at the Health Food Store today in the parking lot this morning waiting for them to open so I could raid the detox aisle. A kind associate asked if I needed help. Explained my issues...(left out my itching ass) Now I'm on a 2 week supplement and eating only fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Torture, but anything is better than headaches, shoulder randomness, butt cheeky itching and no sleep.